Our Story

Braille Tutors is a visually impaired led organization founded by Mrs Oladunni Afolabi; a legal practitioner and media trained personnel. Midlife, Oladunni experienced a severe visual impairment which caused her to take Braille training and blind tech education in her adult life. Pretty much a herculean task she thought for someone learning to read and write Braille and Braille Tech/ICT Tools as an adult. ‘One was better off learning it as a child’ Oladunni thinks but when you eventually do, you’d feel fully liberated and free she believes. ‘I think Braille is one of the best gifts and invention of learning, reading and writing God blessed our world with;. It makes earning endless even when you are eyes closed’ and it brings out the wonder in you. Oladunni believes!


Braille Tutors is a career leadership centre established basically to support professionals, employees of organizations and career persons going blind or those who experienced visual impairment of any sort mid life. The objective of this centre and initiative is to ensure persons experiencing mid life crisis of blindness do not necessarily end their lives, their career or their existence, living, purpose, ambition or earning power or source of income simply because they lost their sight or vision.

In view of the above , the objectives of Braille Tutors career leadership centre is therefore as follows:

To ensure every individual who visual impairment finds a career centre to help get back to life and work again

To empower career persons with blind tools and assistive technology which can help him or her get back to work again to at least have sustainable income to sustain life and living .

To help career persons achieve independent living and sustenance as best as possible even if visually impaired.

To help the career person experiencing mid life crisis of visual impairment, find a social class which fits him or her even when going through or when seeking rehabilitation or vision training of any sort.

Why Braille Tutors?

First of all, we must all understand that very few rehabilitation centers exist in Nigeria for career persons or specifically for persons who wish to go back to work and not necessarily desirous of a vocation. Braille Tutors exists therefore to provide mid life career, tech tools training and blind/visually impaired/ low vision education training & support for the career person who is desirous of work again to get back to work. This is what Braille Tutors is all about and seek to achieve and a gap we seek to fill.

Our Services

  1. Career Advisory and Counseling for Career Persons/Women CEOs who experienced or are experiencing visual impairment midlife
  2. Career Coaching and Mapping Services for CEOs, professionals, young people and career women who wish to re-strategize their career life and are desirous of choosing a new career path for themselves.
  3. Workplace Skills Development Program for Blind and Visually Impaired Graduates, Professionals and Women CEOs.

Please support us

Because Blind Education and vision training is best applied in person, we are raising a N100 million (one hundred million naira) support fund to establish a Residential Learning Centre to support individuals , employees and career women/persons and retirees who experienced or are experiencing  visual impairment in adult life either as a result of low vision  partial sightedness, medically diagnosed or unexplainably degenerative sight conditions, post surgeory treatment reactions or total blindness .

N100m ( One Hundred) Million Support Fund to:

Bank Name: Fidelity Bank

Account Name: Braille Tutors

Account Number: 4210030773 

We thank you for your support through your various Employee Volunteer Program Donations and Your Organization’s Public Affairs/ CSR Funds.

We remain grateful and we pray our Good Lord in heaven will bless you exceedingly beyond your wildest thoughts as you support us to help others and many spring back to work and life again. Visual Impairment shouldn’t be he end of the world ………… with ‘Oladunni.’


May be blindness isn’t the end of the world after all! Is it? It sure shouldn’t!